Welcome to COASTAL KIDS’ Starfish Newsletter! Each quarter Starfish Newsletter will feature articles written by COASTAL KIDS’ highly-regarded team of pediatricians as well as doctors’ tips on diet and nutrition, sleep and naptime, potty training and temper tantrums, among other important topics that concern today’s parents. Each quarter our newsletter will feature a Q&A, highlighting a local children’s retailer as well as a TOP 10 List featuring our medical team’s favorite family-friendly activities and dining experiences, including children’s bookstores, local parks and child-friendly activities for parents, among other general interests.

We hope you find Starfish Newsletter a valuable resource in your day-to-day activities and lifestyle–from our family to yours!


Coastal Kids Pediatric Medical Group

Your Child and Temper Tantrums
By Sandy Oak Lee

TOP 10 Favorite Rainy Day Pastimes