When you become a new parent your responsibilities quadruple (at least). But although it can be very stressful, what makes it all worth it is your new baby — complete with that perfect baby smell. However, one of the things that isn’t often talked about is how expensive it is to have a little tyke enter into your world. There is a never ending amount of things to buy from toys, to gadgets, to soothers, bottes, swaddles, and the list goes on and on. In today’s economy, with rising prices across all consumer goods it is becoming even more expensive to have a child. That’s why we came up with a list of all the money saving tips new parents can utilize so that they aren’t worried about how much they are spending.
Our guide is meant to help you learn about tips on money saving so that you are not stressed about money, while also stressing about how little sleep you’re getting. Having a baby is one of the most beautiful things you can do, and we would not want money to get in the way of that.
Local Buy/Sell Groups
Join local Facebook groups that buy/sell/trade baby products. Those groups are loaded with moms and dads that can help give you advice on what you need, and send you secondhand products for cheaper than the original. Just make sure you check it out before buying so you know it’s in a good, safe condition.
Practical Baby Gear
Do not buy the $1,500 stroller paired with the $150 baby toy that is “ergonomic and develops motor skills”. There are tons of products that you can buy brand new that do exactly the same thing that the “specialty” brands claim to do. A lot of times you’re paying for the brand name and not the product, make sure you know the difference and shop smarter.
Borrow, Don’t Buy
There will always be baby gear you can get from family or friends that has been lightly used and they’ll let you borrow. As long as it is still up to safety standards, we highly recommend borrowing as you probably won’t need to use it again, and your baby will outgrow anything you get them rather quickly. Hand me down clothes, and toys are perfect for borrowing.
Get the Essentials
There are tons of lists of “must have” products that are not really useful when it comes to what you need…or your wallet. Buy only necessities. Babies are not spoiled and only really need the important things like bottles, a few toys to play with, and a crib to sleep in. All the products brands try to make you buy are really just extra and not something that you need to have.
Smarter Gifts
Sometimes there are products which are very expensive that are needed, and for new parents that can be daunting. On your registry you can set it up so that it becomes a group gift. That way many people can chip in to get you that special crib or car seat.
Family & Friends
The best tip for saving money will be making good use of your family and friends as babysitters or even day care. If your baby has a grandparent that is retired, or you have a friend that has children of their own and isn’t working, ask to leave your baby with them while you work. This will save you huge amounts of money as daycares and babysitter prices continue to rise.
Buy in Bulk
Whenever you have the opportunity, buy in bulk. This is one of the most basic tips for saving money, as when you buy in bulk you pay less per single unit. It can be a bit expensive to do it so make sure you only buy the essentials that you use every day like diapers and formula.
Less Is More
Sometimes you can walk into a nursery and see dozens of different toys and knick knacks for a baby to play with. Most of the time we find that this is actually overwhelming for them and they end up only using their favorite toys. Learn by testing out toys which ones they like the most and buy a few of them to use. It’s better for them to be occupied with the 5 toys they have, rather than use 5 of the 30.
This is for the creative new parent but anyone can find quick guides on Youtube for how to integrate some DIY in their life. It’s perfect for baby proofing the house like using an old foam roller/yoga mat to baby proof table corners. You can also make tons of toys out of baby safe items, make sure you follow their guidelines and that the products are safe for babies to use.
At Coastal Kids Pediatrics, we want our new parents to breathe calmly when it comes to all that comes with their first baby. It can be very scary the first few months realizing just how much it costs to give them everything you want. However, it is key that you do not overextend yourself and shop smarter not harder. Keep our tips in mind and you’ll have plenty of money to save for your baby’s first vacation!