Hey there new mamas to be! We know that pregnancy is a beautiful, joyous experience. However, it can also be uncomfortable and impractical at times too! Luckily, there are a lot of wonderful pregnancy products on the market that can make those nine months run a whole lot smoother. So, to help you sort through the wealth of what is available and pick what is best for you, we have compiled a list of the best products and a few of our favorite pregnancy tips for first time moms too. 


Carrying around a precious package is a lot of work! You’re going to need all the support you can get. That’s why belly bands are one of the best pregnancy products available. The extra weight in your belly can put additional pressure on the body, especially on the back. Wearing a belly band can help to distribute the weight more evenly to alleviate that pressure. It also can help stabilize your pelvis and promote better balance. 


As your body grows and changes to support your baby, that can also put a lot of pressure on your feet too! In addition to elevating the feet when sitting down, we recommend starting a routine of epsom salt soaks to help alleviate foot swelling and make you feel more comfortable. Follow up by wearing compression socks to keep the swelling down even more. 


These changes also mean you’re going to need some very supportive and comfortable shoes. Not to mention your foot size is even likely to change due to both swelling and flattening as ligaments relax. So, if your shoes don’t fit like they used to, know that it is part of the normal process. You might need to go up a half, or even a full size! When choosing footwear, opt for highly supportive sandals or gym shoes and avoid heels so that you can distribute weight and help prevent falling. 


One of the most infamous symptoms is the dreaded morning sickness. Luckily, there are a lot of wonderful pregnancy products available to help provide relief for nausea. Many women love pregnancy pops as a drug-free way to ease symptoms and promote relaxation. For an easy, quick relief, pop a stomach-settling lozenge, often containing ginger to help calm and soothe the stomach. For something you don’t have to consume, try wearing acupressure wristbands which apply a slight pressure to specific areas of the wrist to help reduce nausea. 


Good quality sleep is essential during pregnancy. With a brand new bump, it can be challenging to sort out a comfortable and supportive sleep position. Luckily, there are a lot of different kinds of pillows on the market and even rafts too! Inflatable pregnancy rafts are very similar to pool floating devices, but they are perfectly fitted to be friendly to your belly bump. For a more traditional pillow approach, there are tons of options ranging in size, shape, and softness. We recommend medium-firm pillows to provide you both comfort and mobility but also plenty of support all through the night. Before you buy, we recommend thinking about your body structure and how you like to sleep and what would make you the most comfortable. Note, there are specific options for tall moms and side sleepers too!


As your belly gets bigger so does your skin! This is one of the most beautiful aspects of pregnancy. Seeing your body grow to fit and shape the wonderful little human inside you. Of course, all this growth can put stress on the skin. Belly butter is a great pregnancy product to help soften the skin and allow it to stretch more easily. While stretch marks are a normal part of pregnancy, there are also products on the market to help prevent and ease them. In addition, hormone changes can reduce skin elasticity and even moisture. As the skin tightens, it can lead to dry and even flaky or itchy skin. We recommend an excellent pregnancy-safe moisturizer to help your skin acclimate to these very big changes!


As your body changes, unfortunately, your clothes likely have to change too. Be sure to look for maternity clothes or bands that make getting dressesd easier so you can avoid frustration and feel more comfortable each day. As your belly grows, rigid pants are going to become more of a problem. In the first few months, pant button extenders and bra extenders can help you stay comfy in your current clothes while you graduate to maternity clothes. In the winter time, a coat or jacket extender can be an excellent way to stay warm without having to purchase new jackets. Of course, you will also need underwear that is soft, breathable, and stretchy to keep you comfortable. The same goes for bras. As breasts swell, you will need supportive and comfortable bras that can help you keep doing you!


Pregnancy creates changes not just in your body but in your mind too! As hormone fluctuations and new circumstances bring about new challenges and emotions, journals can be an excellent way to catalog symptoms, thoughts, and positive or negative emotions along your journey. You can share with your doctor or keep some things to yourself to look back on later. It can be an excellent way to relieve stress and promote a more positive, relaxing pregnancy. In addition to journals, books can help you learn more about your journey and they are often packed with wonderful pregnancy tips for first time Moms. Talk to your doctor or other trusted health professional about which books would be a great addition to your library. 


Of course, eating well is crucial for pregnancy. As is drinking a lot of water. So, if you don’t already have one, be sure to find a favorite glass or bottle to take with you everywhere to help you drink plenty of water. In addition, talk to your doctor about the crucial vitamins you need to support your pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins, often containing folic acid and iron, are essential for your baby’s health. They not only help your baby grow properly but they also reduce the risk of complications. It is actually one of the best things you can do for your baby while pregnant! 

At Coastal Kids Pediatrics, we believe that a healthy and, ideally, comfortable pregnancy is very important to helping new Moms be the best, happiest, healthiest versions of themselves during this exciting yet challenging time. We hope these tips and suggestions encourage you to test out some of the best products for pregnancy to see how they can make your maternity as positive of an experience as possible. For more recommendations, be sure to discuss your symptoms with a trusted medical professional and ask for tailored advice. And of course, since you will need all of the help you can get, keep an eye on our blog for more parenting tips or make an appointment with one of our passionate pediatricians to start your child’s health and wellness journey! To make an appointment visit us at www.coastalkids.com